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Healthcare Professional

Modern techniques of health care depends on a growing number of professionals, as interdisciplinary team. These people are called professionals when they are involved in one way or another in the administration of care. It therefore is a fairly general concept.
Called health profession a profession in which a person exercises skill or judgment or provides a service related:

maintaining or improving the health of individuals
or treatment or care of individuals injured, sick, suffering from a disability or infirmity.
The health care sector includes a wide range of disciplines including medicine, surgery, nursing and obstetrics.Categories of health professionalsMedical Professionals
These are the only professions that can perform medical procedures itself and with the statute of limitations, even if it is sometimes said defined (it is beyond the scope of competence of the profession). They are defined by the Code of Public Health: Book 1 Title 1 Article L 4111-1:

Doctor, Title I of Book I of the Code of Public Health,
Dentist, Title I of Book I of the code of public health (medical profession defined area)
Midwife, Title I of Book I of the Code of Public Health (medical profession defined area) 1
Veterinarian (special restrictions).
Paramedics, caregivers, childcare assistants and paramedics
Paramedics are defined by Book III of the Code of Public Health and include nurses (Title I), masseurs, physiotherapists, prosthetists and chiropodists (Title II), occupational therapists and psychomotor (Title III), the Speech and orthoptists (Title IV), manipulators medical electro-radiology (Title V), HIPs, optician, opticians, prosthetic and orthotic equipment for people with disabilities (Title VI) and dietitians (Title VII).
For convenience, these can be divided into three categories:

Care professions:
Child care assistant
Circulating nurse
Nurse anesthetist
Respiratory Therapist
Nursery nurse

Professions education and rehabilitation:
Teacher APA
Auxiliary social life
Technician Coordinator psycho-social caregivers

Medical and technical occupations:
Manipulator medical electroradiology
Pharmacy technician
Laboratory Technician
Technician Medical Information (TIM)
Administrative occupations

Director, Director of major functions (Finance, Human Resources, Information Systems, Logistics, Technical, etc..), Senior managers of major functions
Managers and administrative officers (secretaries, admissionistes, archivists, accounting, etc.).
Logistics managers and agents (storekeepers, cooks, cleaners, etc.).
Managers and technical officers (plumber, heating, electrical, etc.).
Engineering (biomedical, quality, IT)
Medical secretaries
Medical activity defined competence
The following professionals have a medical activity defined jurisdiction. Their common points are the existence of an order and a right of set prescription.
The situation varies from country to country:In France
The health professions are defined by the Public Health Code http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichCode.do?&cidTexte=LEGITEXT000006072665Y are set forth:

Medical professions
Medical profession
Profession of dentist or dentist: professional teeth and oral cavity, with an official specialty orthodontists (orthodontics).
Occupation-wise woman
Professions Pharmacy
Pharmacy profession
Professions of pharmacy technician and pharmacy technician hospital.
Paramedics, caregivers, childcare assistants and paramedics
Profession as a nurse:
prescription products and materials within their own role (Article L. 4311-1 of the Code of Public Health). Requirements for renewal of oral contraception (Article L4311-1 of the Code of Public Health)
The College Council established by Decree No. 2007-552 of 13 April 2007
Professions physiotherapist and podiatrist
Occupational therapy profession and psychomotor
Speech therapist professions and orthoptist
Occupations manipulator electroradiology medical and medical laboratory technician
Professions audiologist for optician, prosthetist and orthotist for equipment for people with disabilities
Profession of dietician
Caregivers, childcare assistants and paramedics
Other professionals mentioned in 1.1.3 above are not in France "health professionals"It is the same for:

medical and psychological assistance defined by the Code of Social Welfare and Families
social service assistants

The Traditional Healers.
The dentists: professional teeth and oral cavity. Compounds surgeon dentists and orthodontists.

Pharmacists, including pharmacists, biologists.
Dentists who are not professional, but have the right to prescribe drugs as part of their profession (antibiotics, analgesics, very liquid disputed Bonain ...).
In Canada

The optometrist has the right to prescribe and use diagnostic and therapeutic topical medications. (Restriction for the treatment of glaucoma, which must be done in conjunction with ophthalmologists)
The nurse practitioner (nurse practitioner) performs a complete history and can prescribe medication and invasive and non-invasive treatments.
The Podiatrist
The Chiropractor
The psychologist is a health care professional prescribing non drugstore.

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