Food is one of the basic needs for life and an inalienable right of all people. But the act of eating is much more than eating: it is a moment of communication, transmission of traditions and culture and also transfer enrichment affection and ties.
Share food with others is a human activity with many important meanings. One is joining the family, giving and receiving affection, feeling valuable to others and communicate.
Also, in the table, as in other places and times, the children learn by example. Not only are they learning to eat, but the food habit, the pleasure of enjoying family should develop new behaviors, such as sharing, waiting, use utensils and glass, etc..
The food, a ritual to share
Animals eat what nature provides them as we are: grasses, fruits, they hunted prey, and so on. Instead, humans add additional value: kindle fire, cook food, prepare, the peppered, combine them in different ways, and something special that sets us apart: we talked and talked while we perform these actions. This in our culture is known as a ritual.
Rituals are situations that are repeated daily. Let you know what will happen and mainly create security. This aspect is extremely important for raising our children: crearles security environments. Preparing food is one of those rituals related to our culture, and can be a great time to share things with smaller and strengthen family relationships. To achieve this, we list some ideas that you can implement when preparing food to children:
Tell them what they will eat.
Show them how to prepare.
Name each food.
Ask them to help wash or peel fruit.
Talk about how long to wait until cooked.
Differentiate between sweet and savory.
Playing with colors and sizes of vegetables.
Explain the risks of sharp utensils.
Imagine you are cooks a TV program.
Telling family stories about meals.
When parents, grandparents or caregivers are in a hurry and no time for such conversations is better to say, then explain to them that they can not do and propose to do something else. If we explain to children what happens to us, surely they will understand, if we yell or contemptuous attitudes have them suffer and not understand what is happening.
The food is associated with affection
By offering food to the young is very important how we do it: the tone of voice, shapes and even our mood. Not the same throw food on a plate without looking at the children, who do it lovingly in a climate of trust, love and security.
An uneasy climate of tension and scares, and may discourage children to eat. Instead, a caring attitude can stimulate the appetite and also helps us to improve our relationship with them. All children need me to look at, talked to and someone to understand if you no longer want to eat more or if the food is too hot or too cold. The way we deliver the food is essential for the little ones feel cared for and safe enough to accept new foods that we incorporate in your diet.
The beginning stage of food is extremely important, because children are creating your habits and taste for food. If a child / a little / a first rice eating very hot and burns, then it will be associated with pain rice and probably will not enjoy the next occasion you eat this food. Similarly, if the first time you eat a fruit is juicy and sweet and can touch and explore, that fruit associate it with a pleasant feeling.
Best eating together
Babies and young children have to eat helped by adults. They sit facing each other, show the child the food, offer it and wait for the swallow to offer again. In the first months of life is better than the meal times are close between the child and the mother, or caregivers. From one year of age, it is best that the child eat with the family group because that will allow you to:
Giving and receiving affection.
Feeling a being valuable to others.
Communicate with the rest of the family.
Feeling together.
Learn to respect each time.
Integrate, share and be heard.
Eating unaccompanied children eat better. When the adult personally treats can help if you need it, if you want to serve more, to accommodate in your chair if you are not comfortable. Children who eat with other children and adults learn and socialize their conduct, imitate and see what others eat, how much and how.
We know that it is always possible to eat all together, but it is important that at some point in the day to do so. If you are experiencing a crisis or conflict in the family and you can not eat in an atmosphere of tranquility and security, it is recommended that children eat at another time or in the home of a close family member or caregiver with whom you feel comfortable .
Agree with partner about child rearing and feeding of children.
Prepare food with kids.
Respect mealtimes.
Assistance during meals. Feeding children patiently at their own pace, and encourage them to eat.
Do not discuss during meal time.
Minimize distractions of TV, radio or other activities while it's time to eat.
Awaken early to have breakfast schedule separate from the food.
Take them for a walk to calm down, play and spend energy.
Avoid eat bread before meals.
Offering water and decrease the amount of juice and soda can decrease appetite.
Take them to play to the square and make a snack outdoors.
Always fulfill what is promised. Do not promise things impossible not to mention unrealistic punishments (such as "never see TV").