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Child Hygiene

  Hygiene is a concept that goes far beyond cleaning the body. It includes a number of other aspects such as exercise, diet, sleep .... Cleaning should not be an obsession for parents or for or for educators who may have influence on children. Rather than teach them not dirty, it is important to teach children to clean and maintain clean environment.

Childhood is the stage of life in which people are more likely to learn. The attitudes and habits acquired in this period will be maintained, with high probability, throughout his adult life and will be transmitted to offspring.
The role of the family
Adoption of unhygienic is a task that must involve both families and schools, where children spend most of the day. The family has a great responsibility in adopting these habits, giving positive examples and motivating children to incorporate hygienic behavior in their day to day. Schools can reinforce those habits through actions of Health Education.

As in all aspects of life, teaching hygiene habits should be as naturally as possible, without children see to the cleaning like a thankless task. Parents and educators should have the skills to convey to the child that the care of personal hygiene is something that will give comfort and help in their social relationships and their integration in the middle. You can not "bomb" small messages about desirable behaviors, but should be given to experience various sensations can be pleasant dirty and then wash well.

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