Medical Checkups
In the first two years of life, babies undergo regular health checks, ruled with a certain frequency. These revisions have several objectives:
Managing established vaccines official vaccination schedule.
Early detection of certain pathologies that with proper prevention and treatment will be resolved satisfactorily.
Advise parents in raising their children, on issues related to food, sleep and maturational development of children, among others.
The early detection of certain diseases is done systematically in all cases. In these reviews, pediatricians seeking:
Verify that you have performed metabolic testing and detection of deafness at birth.
Discard hip dysplasia, especially in children born breech, premature, multiple pregnancies or a family history of hip dysplasia. Hip dysplasia is more common in girls than in boys.
In boys, the testicles are checked in scrotal sacs after year.
In children with inadequate diets, prevent or treat anemia appearance if it already exists.
Preventing vitamin D deficiency and rickets, adding vitamin when necessary.
Confirm that there is a good hearing and vision in various stages of development.
Detect problems maturational development by appropriate tests.
Preschool ReviewsAfter the first two years of life, revisions are made less frequently, but are still very important to maintain proper control over the health of children and to guide parents in the upbringing.
In the preschool years, between 2 and 5 years, care and advice of pediatricians are focused on eating habits, toilet training, starting nursery, the relationship with others and the illnesses suffered. In all visits pediatricians will emphasis on promoting healthy habits: proper diet, as close to the Mediterranean, the daily exercise and the prevention of accidents. Oral health is also essential, so that should be taught to the child / a tooth brushing is part of daily hygiene and up to 8 - 10 years an adult should review brushing.
Control of the development of children should be at least every two years. By 4 years, can take blood pressure. The vaccination schedule varies between regions (some is at 4 years, in other at 6), so it is best to visit the pediatrician for these health controls at 2, 4 and 6 years.
After 4 years (and in some cases earlier) to do an evaluation to rule out vision visual acuity and strabismus. Parents and teachers should also monitor the hearing, and if you have any questions you should visit the pediatrician to assess the need for the child to be seen by a specialist.Upload
Reviews of school age
Between 6 and 11 years, health checks aim to track the physical, psychological and social development. At these ages, children are gaining independence and autonomy, and you can make decisions about their health interested in the possible treatments to follow.
In periodic inspections at these ages are continuing to monitor the physical. One aspect is much attention is paid to the prevention of overweight and obesity, so you usually ask the child and family on lifestyle: exercise, diet, hours watching TV, and video game use computer.
In this age should be monitored periodically vision and hearing. Should also monitor the possible deviations of the column.
It is strongly recommended that at these ages is monitored and avoid excessive extracurricular tasks, which can lead to fatigue children. Furthermore, it should enhance the autonomy of children, teaching accident prevention rules.
In the first two years of life, babies undergo regular health checks, ruled with a certain frequency. These revisions have several objectives:
Managing established vaccines official vaccination schedule.
Early detection of certain pathologies that with proper prevention and treatment will be resolved satisfactorily.
Advise parents in raising their children, on issues related to food, sleep and maturational development of children, among others.
The early detection of certain diseases is done systematically in all cases. In these reviews, pediatricians seeking:
Verify that you have performed metabolic testing and detection of deafness at birth.
Discard hip dysplasia, especially in children born breech, premature, multiple pregnancies or a family history of hip dysplasia. Hip dysplasia is more common in girls than in boys.
In boys, the testicles are checked in scrotal sacs after year.
In children with inadequate diets, prevent or treat anemia appearance if it already exists.
Preventing vitamin D deficiency and rickets, adding vitamin when necessary.
Confirm that there is a good hearing and vision in various stages of development.
Detect problems maturational development by appropriate tests.
Preschool ReviewsAfter the first two years of life, revisions are made less frequently, but are still very important to maintain proper control over the health of children and to guide parents in the upbringing.
In the preschool years, between 2 and 5 years, care and advice of pediatricians are focused on eating habits, toilet training, starting nursery, the relationship with others and the illnesses suffered. In all visits pediatricians will emphasis on promoting healthy habits: proper diet, as close to the Mediterranean, the daily exercise and the prevention of accidents. Oral health is also essential, so that should be taught to the child / a tooth brushing is part of daily hygiene and up to 8 - 10 years an adult should review brushing.
Control of the development of children should be at least every two years. By 4 years, can take blood pressure. The vaccination schedule varies between regions (some is at 4 years, in other at 6), so it is best to visit the pediatrician for these health controls at 2, 4 and 6 years.
After 4 years (and in some cases earlier) to do an evaluation to rule out vision visual acuity and strabismus. Parents and teachers should also monitor the hearing, and if you have any questions you should visit the pediatrician to assess the need for the child to be seen by a specialist.Upload
Reviews of school age
Between 6 and 11 years, health checks aim to track the physical, psychological and social development. At these ages, children are gaining independence and autonomy, and you can make decisions about their health interested in the possible treatments to follow.
In periodic inspections at these ages are continuing to monitor the physical. One aspect is much attention is paid to the prevention of overweight and obesity, so you usually ask the child and family on lifestyle: exercise, diet, hours watching TV, and video game use computer.
In this age should be monitored periodically vision and hearing. Should also monitor the possible deviations of the column.
It is strongly recommended that at these ages is monitored and avoid excessive extracurricular tasks, which can lead to fatigue children. Furthermore, it should enhance the autonomy of children, teaching accident prevention rules.